Tuesday, March 03, 2009

About the news, but not news..

This week Rocky Mountain News ceased publication, and maybe soon Seattle Post-Intelligencer and then maybe the San Francisco Chronicle. My local newspaper isn't on the following list, but it doesn't appear to be strong and healthy. Aside from having to find something else to read over breakfast, there's the concern that the Internet won't really be able to do inform the public, do investigative stories or keep what has been an essential dialog alive. Of course, the news media didn't exactly carry that load in the past decade or so did they? Are they disappearing because of the Internet or because of lackluster performance?

The next 9 newspapers to die, from the Business Insider

New York Daily News – Circulation: 632,595 (10% Decline Since 2007)
Los Angeles Times – Circulation: 739,147 (4% decrease since 2007)
St. Paul Pioneer Press – Circulation: 184,973 (3% decrease since 2007)
Chicago Sun-Times – Circulation: 313,176 (.2% increase since 2007)
Detroit News – Circulation: 178,280 (5% decrease since 2007)
San Francisco Chronicle – Circulation: 339,430 (8% decrease since 2007)
Miami Herald – Circulation: 210,884 (12% decrease since 2007)
Philadelphia Daily News – Circulation: 97,694 (9% decrease since 2007)
Seattle Post-Intelligencer – Circulation: 117,572 (9% decrease since 2007)

Eight experts weigh-in on the future of newspapers at the NYT

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