Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Good article on changes in academic research


(NOTE: link downloads PDF)

Given the publication lag the authors have slightly updated the paper: Metadata Switch: Thinking About Some Metadata Management and Knowledge Organization Issues in the Changing Research and Learning Landscape. Forthcoming in LITA Guide to E-Scholarship [working title], ed. Debra Shapiro. February 2005 preprint (PDF:824K/25pp.).

The academic library is not an end in itself. It supports research, learning and scholarship, and it must adapt as research and learning behaviors change in a network environment. This paper briefly considers some of these issues, and takes them as its context, but quickly moves to a very specific emphasis. It considers how such library responses create new metadata management and knowledge organization questions, and it then outlines some of the work in OCLC Research which responds to these issues.
This paper presents a matrix based on stewardship and uniqueness for considering the materials in our collections.

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