Tuesday, July 21, 2009

BestBuy expands their Twitosphere

As a follow-up to our previous post regarding BestBuy and Twitter the electronics retailer is encouraging hundreds of employees to handle online customer service and company promotions via Twitter. Twelpforce was debuted over the weekend but so far hasn’t garnered a lot of notice. Currently it has less than 2000 followers.

Best Buy employees can use their company and Twitter ID to register for the service, after which tweets from all of them will be displayed in a single stream on the same page.

Once registered, tweeting Best Buy employees from across all operations can send messages from the @Twelpforce account, and if they add the hash-tag #twelpforce, their messages will automatically show up under the twelpforce handle with a credit to their proper Twitter account.

I am not really sure how I feel about all of this except to say it is at least encouraging that the company is trying to engage customers. We'll see.

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