Friday, June 12, 2009

Wizehive: Share files, manage projects, track activity and collaborate

Wizehive is a group messaging and task management application similar to Yammer, Producteev and, and sorta resembling Basecamp and Central Desktop. However, Wizehive adds a few features of its own.

WizeHive lets you set up workgroups and displays messages to everyone in a Twitter-like stream, but unlike Twitter the conversations are threaded. WizeHive is optimized for the iPhone and other mobile browsers (Blackberry and Android optimizations are coming soon), and you can get it as a desktop Adobe Air client or receive alerts in your email.

In its task management module, you can create a task, set a due date, and assign it to yourself or to someone else. Each task can be marked as “open,” “completed,” or “in progress.” You can also upload files, and everyone can view them in a browser. You can also attach Images and files to specific messages.

Unique to WizeHive is its ability to create a small database for each workspace, complete with customizable data fields. This can be used to manage contacts or events. For-fee services are planned and the first two due out in January will be a simple Opprtunity Tracking app for CRM purposes and one for TimeSheets. WizeHive already has an API and is encouraging developers to build their own enhancements.

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