I was pleased to read Delta had planned to order some. At the end I noticed the date. :-( I now despair that there will never be humane travel in coach or in planes without first/business class service.
Did the Cozy Suite purchase go through? Did Delta install them on 100 of its 777 and 767s? Has anyone ever seen them, experienced them on any airline? (Thompson Solutions customer list: Emirates Airlines, Swiss International Airlines, Virgin Atlantic, First Choice Airlines, BE Aerospace,Contour Premium Seating, Sicma Aeroseat and Delta Airlines.) How was it? Should we start pestering airlines into testing them in more planes? Should we start designing portable barriers to clamp on armrests? Maybe instructions about how much space you may use should follow the tips about how to un/buckle seatbelts, wear oxygen masks and use the seat cushion as a flotation device -at least I think that's what they were talking about.
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