Bing has published an iPhone/Touch application that is so cool I felt it needed to be posted here. Pick any year from 1947 through 2009 and the app will play tunes from that year's playlist. The tunes seem to pop up in no particular order, but you can skip to the next song at any time. There are also annoying "get Bing" ads that pop up much too often, but rediscovering long forgotten gems makes it worth it.
The app is free for a limited time and will soon be offered for $1.99 (minus the ads I hope).
You can snag it here.
OK, I bought the app. The paid version does get rid of the ads but there is still an occasional vocalization of "Bing!" between songs, but is fairly non-intrusive. I can not recommend this app highly enough! Great fun!
That's application useful for who is crazy for music. I also like this application.Mobile Application Development
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