This social networking project started as a response to IT Florida's initiatives to promote new technologies that produce innovation with a positive impact to the State of Florida. A group of IT Florida board members and multiple regional technology groups from different parts of the state decided to adopt this initiative, creating an Executive Committee to plan and supervise the efforts. The Florida 2.0 Initiative (FL2i) was incorporated as a nonprofit organization in 2008. Pop over to the site and join up!
FL2i ObjectivesCommunicate: FL2i will enable open interaction for compatible peers who can easily find each other through virtual spaces of common interest across various industries and occupations. Professional organizations will find a powerful resource that can expand their network of contacts to support their efforts. By adding appealing virtual spaces for sports and entertainment, why not also have fun while visiting the social network? Advanced web technology will allow people to find peers or friends, find social events of interest, discuss creative ideas and collaborate online at work, comfortably at home or on the road using mobile access.
Educate: The main purpose of FL2i is to create a web 2.0 culture in Florida. FL2i is commmited to evangelize on the use and impacts of social networking throughout the state. This objective is crucial for the success of the social networking movement in Florida since a large population in the State has never been exposed to social networks in the past and still don’t see their value. Opinion leaders and members of the community will share their knowledge via blogs, documents, videos, podcasts, wikis and discussion groups. Topics of common interest will foster a focused environment that can make learning from others an easy and fun interactive process; people can learn what to do to live in a cleaner environment; doctors and patients can learn about standards and regulations for keeping electronic health records; Florida universities can share specialized knowledge which is not always published or easy to find on their own web sites; members can provide advice on how to expedite a specific process in a government agency.
Aggregate: Integrate one Florida virtual place that people recognize as a unique resource. Third-party content can be mashed up so that FL2i members find relevant information and collaborate with other social network members in topics related to Florida in one place, without the need to jump from web site to web site. There is an open trend in web 2.0 pointing at legally sharing content that can be reused by other web sites as long as the source is recognized and, sometimes, specific terms are fulfilled or specific APIs are used to connect with the web site source. FL2i realizes that its foucs is not to compete against popular social networks or content aggregators and it has listened from its advisory group members about the need for aggregating dispersed content which is relevant to their online activities in various Florida communities.
Promote: Spread the word of the value of social networking and launch targeted campaigns to attract membership, divulge Florida’s top ideas, priorities and innovation. Social networks can be a key resource to promote the best Florida has to offer in terms of entrepreneurship, art, and its extensive natural resources. Promotion will target the local community as well as visitors and national or international businesses linked to Florida. The FL2i social network can aggregate and promote personal skills and opportunities for local jobs; campaigns to maintain a cleaner environment; local talented musicians and their concerts; entrepreneurial efforts exposing them to the venture capital community; and touristic attractions, restaurants, cultural events, exhibitions and anything of relevance that happens in Florida. Controlled messages and unobtrusive advertisement will be targeted to members by profile, topics of common interest and peer-to-peer relationships across communities. The FL2i promotion objective can contribute to the growth or prosperity of individuals, non profits and businesses in Florida that have something of value to communicate or offer on the social network.
Advocate: Connect community thought leaders and members in a virtual environment to identify social needs, voice ideas, and propose initiatives that can lead to more informed decisions made by policy makers. Due to its 501(c)(3) status, FL2i will not assume a lobbying role, but will offer the tools for advocates to communicate online and pursue their goals with the voice of the Florida social network behind them. Supported by the Environment, Higher Education, Digital Divide, Health Care. Other FL2i Advisory Groups are expected to be formed in the future to focus on additional communities.
Just joined...willing to give it a try, but so far I'm not sure why they didn't just set up a Facebook group...?
I joined a while back. Doesn't seem to be a lot of activity (yet?).
u need to have a look @ this [url=http://k.jup.cc]Sexy.[/url]
for some help and i get pics unlocked
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