AdViews is a digital archive of thousands of vintage television commercials dating from the 1950s to the 1980s. These commercials were created or collected by the ad agency Benton & Bowles or its successor, D'Arcy Masius Benton & Bowles (DMB&B). Founded in 1929, Benton & Bowles was a New York advertising agency that merged with D'Arcy Masius McManus in 1985 to form DMB&B. Major clients included are Procter & Gamble, Kraft, Schick, Vicks, and Post, among others. Commercials will be added in phased batches over several months in 2009.
Unfortunately, the videos are only available on an iTunesU channel, which allows for downloading but not much else. The archive is still a work in progress, though, and greater accessibility is planned for the future.
TV Commercials, one of the easiest and fastest tools of advertisement for any kinds of products be they cars, beer, liquor, soda, food, real estate etc. that depicted in the minds of the television viewers and remained according to its appeal. To really promote and advertise your product go to commercial ads making company.