If you haven't seen
PicLens yet, you simply MUST try it out! The browser addon is a lot of fun to play with and makes searching and viewing images on the web very enjoyable.
PicLens works on both Mac and PC, and has versions for FireFox, Internet Explorer, and Safari .
PicLens is a photo viewer for the web that operates much like Apple's "Cover-Flow" technology for the iPhone and iTunes. It creates a desktop-like photo viewing experience for supported sites, by pulling out all images on a page (or in an online gallery) and creating a slideshow. PicLens supports a range of sites, including the image search engines from the big five search sites, social networks Facebook, MySpace, Bebo, Hi5, and Friendster, and photosharing sites Flickr, Photobucket, Picasa, DeviantArt, and Smugmug.
I can hardly wait for the day we can browse our virtual "stacks" uing this cool technology!